

Everyone hanging in as well as possible? Ok.

I’ve got nothing new to say today. My computer seems to be one of the Apple Macbook Pro that is entitled to a free keyboard replacement or repair. I’ve been battling with this thing for months thinking it was somehow my fault. Some of my emails look like I’m having a stroke while writing them. Now, I just have to get over to the Genius Bar to get it taken care of. It’s ridiculous that I’ve literally stopped using my computer most of the time as opposed to getting this thing fixed. It’s exciting. You live in mild misery long enough out of laziness when you do get it remedied it's life changing. It’s like waiting to pee just because it will feel better when you do. Addict brain.

Speaking of addiction, my big shift to tea a half year ago or so is paying off. It’s blossomed into a very diverse, reliable compulsion with equipment and variety. There are strainers and blends and greens and blacks and scents and brewing temperatures. It’s crazy. I know the difference between First and Second Flush Darjeeling. I know the difference between Irish and English Breakfast teas. None of that is as important as knowing which ones get you high. For me it’s Organic Assam. That shit clears mind and makes everything shiny.

Please stay engaged and aware. We have to remain awake and focused and informed. We can’t fall into ourselves. Try to keep clarity. Assam. Conscience. No killing yourselves.

Today I talk to Lil Rel Howrey about coming up in the black comedy scene of Chicago and his new movie. Great guy, great talk. On Thursday I talk to Comedy Store lifer Eleanor Kerrigan about starting as an actress, being a waitress and getting into comedy. We talk a lot about Comedy Store owner Mitzi Shore. It was recorded before she died and there’s a lot of insight into who she was towards the end of her life. Great talk.


Boomer lives!

